Resource 8: Cult of Pedagogy

Gonzalez, J. (2020). [Web log post]. Retrieved December 09, 2020, from

This blog called “Cult of Pedagogy” is run by Jennifer Gonzalez. She is a seasoned teacher who has made blogging her main job. Gonzalez is committed to providing teachers with resources for classroom management as well as worksheets and activities that can be modified for a variety of lesson plans. I thought this resource was important to include as it provides me with the necessary tools to approach difficult subjects, such as the global climate change crisis. It is critical for me to be professionally equipped with classroom management techniques in any given circumstance but especially before entering into lessons on topics that are generally brushed over. I, as the teacher, need to first do my part when preparing for lessons about climate change and sustainability, and part of that is considering the physical layout of my room as well as the tone I’d like to set for the learning environment. Gonzalez’s blog includes tips and ideas on utilizing the physical space to its full capacity which can be found under her blog → “Classroom Management” section. In this section it covers ideas for classroom configuration, types of encouragement to give students, and even considers how clothing has the potential to influence the overall learning environment. Each of these things, I feel are important to consider if I intend to successfully teach students about climate change and sustainability. 

Click here to go to the website! Cult of Pedagogy


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