Resource 2: Smoky Air

Raeside, A. (2020, September 19). Smoky Air [Digital image]. Retrieved December 09, 2020, from

This political cartoon is an image that conveys to students the long-developing consequences of climate change. The top image is set to be in 1990 and it suggests to students that the measures implemented up to now are not as effective as they may have been intended originally. The image does a really good job of conveying to students the deteriorating air quality as well as relates forest fires to climate change. The year 2020 has not been the first year of global warming forest fires and I believe this image is a strong support to emphasize that. This image can be used as a warm-up image in a lesson on natural disasters connected to climate change. Especially in the younger grades of the curriculum, there are opportunities for teachers to focus on natural disasters and so by showing this image to students, they may begin to understand there is a connection between climate change and natural disasters. Another way this image can be used is in a brainstorm activity during a lesson. By showing this image it can help guide students to come up with major forest fires from the past few years that they can think of This can then lead into having them brainstorm other major natural disasters in recent years they can think of. One other benefit to using an image to guide conversation is that it works towards making my lesson more inclusive to students who do not have strong success learning from reading or writing. I know for myself that reading is not my primary way to learn effectively, and I must keep in mind that there is a high likelihood that many of my students will have similar thought processes. With the intent of making my units and lesson plans inclusive, I believe including visual resources are another essential aspect to that. 

Click here to view the image! Smoky Air


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