Resource 6: Justin Trudeau on Indigenous Issues in Canada

VICE News. (May 2, 2016). Justin Trudeau on Indigenous Issues in Canada: The VICE News Interview [Video]. Youtube. 

    This Vice News interview with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is an excellent resource for including in a lesson plan. It is under 10 minutes long and so does not require students to keep an attention span for very long. It is informative as it exposes students to the diverse realities of climate change in different Canadian communities. Recognizing that the interview took place in 2016, there is also an opportunity for students to analyze the influence that the government can have on improving or worsening the climate crisis.  In his interview, Trudeau speaks heavily about his government budgeting and prioritizing the care of Indigenous communities. He seems to express recognition that the particular community he is in does not have access to clean water yet the city of Winnipeg’s water source is located in that same community. After hearing his interview, there is a lot of rich opportunity for students to become curious and adopt their own inquiry by continuing to research what the government has done for Indigenous communities since this interview in 2016. I think that this resource has many possible directions it could take, whether that be the role of government in the fight against climate change, the climate crisis resulting in racism, or discussions of sustainability. I think each of these are important and relevant lessons to cover in the classroom. Students live in a world where they see people protesting against climate change and may be confused as to who they are protesting to or why. It is possible for students not to know about the causes of climate change, but more likely it is the effects of climate change that they will not know about. This Vice News interview will contribute to expanding students' knowledge on these issues. 

Click here to watch the video! 


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